Jumat, 20 November 2015

Review Purbasari Lipstick Color Matte

Hello Reader's ^___^


Kali ini aku ingin me review Lipstick keluaran brand lokal yang sedang fenomenal nih. Yeps si Purbakala eh Purbasari yang masuk haulku di postingan sebelumnya. Yang mau tau haulku sebelumnya click here

This time i want to review lipstick from local brand being phenomenal. Its Purbakala ops I mean Purbasari entering my haul in previous posting. If u want to know my previous click here

Rencananya mau beli banyak shade, tapi berhubung barangnya Sold jadi aq cuma beli yang ada alias sisa. Did u know, yang tersisa hanya 1 shade. yaaa hanya 1 shade lagi. yasudah aq beli aja deh daripada penasaran. Sooo meski 1 shade aq review juga deh disini, biar puas.

The plan I will buy many shade, but since it sold so I just bought left. Did U know, The remainder was only is one shade, allright I just bought it rather than have curiousity. Sooo though there only 1 shade I still review it here.

Inilah dia penampakannya

This is it

Yak, aq cuma kebagian shade nomor 86 niich, tapi meski cuma satu ini, aq beneran gak nyesel beli deh, sumpah gak akan pernah nyesel, soalnya warnanya keceeee... Setelah di aplikasikan ke bibir warnanya jadi teracotta, sukaaa... 

Yep, I just get shade no.86, but though there only one, I'm not regret it have bough, really I swear I never regret it, coz they colour is georgeus. when I apllied to my lips its teracotta color. Liiiike it!

Dan kemasannya ini imut-imut, mungil, hitam glossy dan  tulisan purbasarinya diukir dengan warna gold jadi berkesan elegant, meski nama brand nya terkesan purbakala sekali hehehehe... kemasannya juga travel friendly, mudah di aplikasikan ke bibir dan karena kecil, jadi lebih akurat membentuk bibir. 

And this is cute packaging, tiny, glossy black and the purbasari carved with gold color, its so memorable elegant, despite his brand name impressed purbakala (ancient) Hehehe... and the packaging is travel friendly, easy to apply because it is small , so more accurate in shaping the lips .



U can see... warnanya Bold banget bagus di pakenya, sesuai namanya matte lipstick ini hasilnya memang bener2 matte. Aq udah coba makan minum dengan lipstick ini dan lumayan awet nempel di bibir, meski kalo minum suka trasfer ke gelas, tapi gak terlalu parah. 

U can see... the color is bold and good, as the name implies matte lipstick is really matte finish. I have been trying to eat and drink with using this lipstick and they pretty sticking on my lips, even if I drink this lipstick transfer to glass, but not too much.

Disini aq nggak pake lip balm dulu sebelum lipstik, jadi bagi yang bibirnya kering lebih baik olesi lipbalm dulu, sebab lipstick ini menurutku lumayan kering, meski nggak sekering produk Etude Lips Fit sih.

In here I'm not use lip balm before lipstick, so those you're lips dry better spread lipbalm first, coz the lipstick I think pretty dry, although not fuse Etude Lips Fit.





Itu yang kusuka. Lipstik ini di bandroll sekitar 30k-37k

Thats I like it. This lipstick is only Rp 30.000 - Rp 37.000 more or less equals 3 USD.

Andai shade nya lengkap aq pasti udah beli semua shade. LOL

If only his shade complete I would buy all shade. LOL

Meski harganya yang murah tapi aq akui kualitasnya Jempol. Dan aku jatuh cintaaaa....

Although they price is cheap I have to admit quality is very good. And I fall in looove....


Conclusion is:

(+) Warnanya Bold, tahan lama, harganya murah, kemasannya travel friendly, kemasannya hitam elegan.

(+) They color is bold, long lasting, cheap, travel friendly, they packaging look so elegant with black.

(-) Kemasannya kurang membantu kalo mau pilih shade mesti buka dulu.  

(-) Difficult to choosing shade coz the packaging less help. they must open it to see the colour.

Ratenya kukasi 80/100

I give rate 80/100

Repurchase? Absolutely YES!!! Dan tentu aku bakal beli shade lainnya. Pokoknya aku harus punya all shade untuk melengkapi koleksiku.

Repurchase? Absolutely YES!!! And of course I will buy all shade. I will, I must have all shade to completing my collection.

Daaannn... Taraaa.... Selca dulu pake si lippen Purbakala eh Purbasari ala-ala model gitu. (Kali aja di lirik sama perusahaannya buat jadi model) oops.... modelnya masa emak-emak. LOL >_< 

Aaaaand... Tadaaa... Selca with my Ancient Lipstick oh oops I mean my Purbasari Lipstick and took a pic like a model. (just kidding) LOL >_<


Sekian review centil saya.


Sekian review lippen Purbaka... Purbasari dariku. Dan thx u udah mampir dan baca blog-ku. Hug \(^.^)/


Thx to visit my blog and stopped to read it. Hug \(^.^)/

5 komentar:

  1. kerennnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn

  2. Wahh wajib pake jugaa... btw putih di sudut mata itu pake produk apa sis?

  3. Wahh wajib pake jugaa... btw putih di sudut mata itu pake produk apa sis?

  4. Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.

  5. Bagus juga ya no 86 nya

